Open Door COGIC-Detroit Church History

The Open Door Church of God in Christ-Detroit, also known as ODC, was founded December 1991.  Our founder, Pastor Alan Ross Evans Sr, was called to the pastoral ministry at the age of 34, along with his beautiful wife, Missionary Shernetta Evans, while serving as a faithful elder and musician at the New Maclin Temple COGIC under the leadership of the late Pastor James M. Maclin Sr.  The Holy Spirit lead our Shepard into this ministry from Genesis 12:1-3:1) “And the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: 2) And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3) And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” From Revelation 4:1 came the name Open Door “After this I looked and, behold, a door was opened in heaven; and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.” 

With less than six families, our first church building was located at 17140 Hayes, Detroit (between Seymour and Spring Garden).  The first service was canceled due to a power outage, but God being sovereign designed for our first service to occur on Sunday, December 29, 1991 at approximately 10am.  The founding families/members are foremost his First and ONLY Lady Missionary Shernetta Evans and children: Alan Evans II, Sherlana Evans (Hill), Brandi Evans (Haywood), and Rhonda Evans; Mother Ruth Evans and family; Elder Ricky Sykes and family; Rebecca Denise Evans and family; Deacon Ronald Hill and family; and Sis. Sharon Evans (church secretary) and family.  

Our first church building consisted of four walls, one bathroom, a tiny hallway and two small rooms, which became the Pastor’s study and the fellowship hall.  As the church began to experience growth, the church was in desperate need of a larger and more adequate facility; therefore, the pastor established “Building Fund Sunday”. As a result, in less than three years, the church raised $50,000 along with tithes and offerings. Next God lead our pastor to 14900 E. 7 Mile as a possible church building for The Open Door congregation.  Although there were challenges and set-backs in acquiring the building, God allowed a millionaire to meet and speak with our pastor in that location and without any verification of credibility this man sent a $175,000 check to the closing. The entire congregation marched from our old building at 17140 Hayes to our former facility at 14900 E. 7 Mile and held the first service in the spring of 1998.

While continuing in faithful ministry God allowed The Open Door to continue to acquire property on 7 Mile through the years in that location.  The church currently owns two grass lots on the southeast corner of 7mile and Queen (which is on the next block), an annex building on the north side of 7mile west of Hayes, and were previous owners of the old Johnny Mack Cookie Factory (next door) and formerly known as the Annie Ruth Evans Multi-Purpose Community Center (AREMPCC).   

Most importantly the Lord has added to this church such as should be saved through the many services, community events, clothing and food giveaways, family and friend/pack the pew days, musical concerts, memorial/funeral services, tape/cd ministry, and social media. Several ministries within Open Door has been established such as the liturgical/mime/step dance ministry, Evangelistic Department, Children’s Church, Youth Department, Media Department and many other auxiliaries and ministries.  The Lord has also wrought miraculous healing in this ministry. Several members have been healed in the service from cancer and terminal illnesses as well as souls delivered from the power of addiction and other bondages of Satan.  

More recent accomplishments: 

  • The Open Door recorded “The Secret Place” in September 2010
  • Establishment of the monthly Unity Offering in 2015 
  • Our former church building was placed on the market in 2016
  • The AREMPC building was purchased at a 100% profit in February 2017
  • Our current House of God, which is 35,244 square feet, was purchased on May 2nd and our first service in this building was held on May 20, 2018.

Finally, it is imperative that each member know that the mission of this great church is to be “a place of continual worship”.  Open Door is, at the core, a church that was formed and created to lift up, magnify, and praise our Holy and Mighty God who is The Lord Jesus Christ!   

Let us never forget where God has brought us from and let His praises go forth continually in this place!