Historic First Jurisdiction of Michigan AIM Convention 2021

Historic First Jurisdiction of Michigan AIM Convention 2021

In case you missed it, here’s a recap of our 2021 Auxiliaries In Ministry (AIM) Convention under the leadership of the newly appointed AIM Chairman, Administrative Assistant Pastor Evans. 

Prior to the start of AIM, online pre-registration received a great response and was a tremendous success. Our theme was “I’m hungry, I’m thirsty for God, Lord I need more” Psalm 42:1-4. Monday, June 20th began the kickoff of AIM. The Evangelism and Missions department partnered with The Open Door’s Food Distribution team in the parking lot of the church to give away food from Gleaners food bank, household goods, toys, offer prayer under the tent, and fellowship. Tuesday, June 21st was Music and Youth Department night. From selections from the youth choir, dynamic messages from President Hogan and Lady Lett, to an explosive Back-Home-Hour with youth testimonies and speakers the Lord came in mightily on the first service. Wednesday, June 22nd was the Sunday School and Evangelism night. We enjoyed wonderful selections from the AIM Choir and recording artist, Tiffany Nichole and stirring messages from Evangelist Clemons and Pastor Johnnie Monroe. Thursday, June 23rd was our chairman’s night. What a wonderful night of praise! Once again the AIM Choir came with excitement and a high praise. We were also blessed with a very special selection from the chairman’s wife who was accompanied by The Evans and Upshaw singers. Finally, Friday, June 24th was our bishop’s night and the conclusion of 2021 AIM. All of our esteemed jurisdictional leaders and members gathered in their beautiful black attire in great numbers to support the new bishop of the Historic First Jurisdiction of Michigan who had just been consecrated in Memphis, TN on Wednesday evening (after the Back-Home-Hour). The AIM praise team and choir lead the congregation in praise along with a sermonic selection from Missionary Pamela Moore. Then we were all blessed to experience the first message of our new Prelate Bishop Zackary N Hicks. What a blessing! 
Throughout the entire convention attendees gave freely, testimonies of healing went forth during the Back-Home-Hour, souls were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, and we were able to gather safely for the first time in over a year. The 2021 AIM Conference was an awesome experience. A special thank you is in order for all of the auxiliaries and departments in ministry (Youth, Music, Missions, Evangelism, and Sunday School) and conference coordinator, Lady Cynthia Colbert for making this year one to remember. 
To God be all the glory!